

Civil society united in Collective Action for Education presents 16 proposals to improve the country’s education system

With the seminar Moving Towards a Better EducationCivil Society Proposals, the group Acción Colectiva por la Educación (Collective Action for Education) officially presented the proposals that it has worked on together to promote improvements to our education system. The proposals are contained in a book presented at the event and are divided into four priority thematic areas: strengthening of leadership teams, inclusive education, early education and educational practices and innovation.

Download the Collective Action proposals here

The meeting, held on Thursday, April 25, was organized in conjunction with the Senate Extension Center, and with the support of Fundación Colunga. It took place in the room of the Senate, in the building of the former National Congress, a propitious space to generate an open and democratic dialogue on the challenges in education. The director of SUMMA, Javier González, member of the executive committee of this coalition, headed the introductory panel of the seminar, which addressed education as public policy.

During the day, each thematic area was presented in two seminars, with the participation of distinguished experts and representatives of key entities for the educational debate and decision making in the policies of these matters.

The meeting was attended by Senator Carlos Montes and leading experts who presented in different areas: Raimundo Larraín, head of the General Education Division of the Ministry of Education; Carlos Henríquez Calderón, former executive secretary of the Education Quality Agency; Patricia Núñez, Early Childhood Education and Development Officer, UNICEF Chile; Carmen Montecinos, executive director of the Center for Educational Leadership at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; Felipe Coloma, Coordinator of the Leadership Area for Professional Development at CPEIP; Gonzalo Muñoz, Academic of the Faculty of Education and Director of the Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and Management of Universidad Diego Portales; César Muñoz, manager of the Educational Justice Center of the Pontificia Universidad Católica , among others.

Acción Colectiva: alliance of civilians for education

Acción Colectiva emerged in 2017, bringing together 17 leading civilian organizations committed to quality, equitable and inclusive education. The purpose of this union is the promotion of a collective effort capable of generating a long-term educational agenda, in conjunction with the State, independent of the government in power, derived from knowledge and experience in the field, to generate large-scale educational changes.

Acción Colectiva is an expression of united civilians that, from their multiple pursuits, have a broad knowledge of educational policies promoted in recent years and vast experience in the field in the implementation of concrete actions of innovation and transformation of schools and educational communities throughout the country.

The organizations that make up Collective Action are: Educación 2020, Center for Advanced Research in Education (CIAE) of Universidad de Chile; Fundación Chile, SUMMA, Elige Educar, Fundación Súmate, Fundación Oportunidad, Vicaría para la Educación, Fundación Crecer con Todos, Puentes Educativos, Fundación Portas, Enseña Chile, Tu Clase, Tu País; Ashoka, Fundación Mis Talentos, Corporación Vida Buena and Fundación Origen.

Likewise, Acción Colectiva has the support of Fundación Colunga, thanks to which various initiatives of the group have been carried out.