Resultados >> Found 4 results

Celestin Freinet School

Implementing institution: Escuela Celestin Freinet

Country: Chile

Source: OECD


To "give children a voice" so that they can develop their technical and cognitive...


A school model based on the Freinet method that promotes self-management, cooperation and...

Community Mobilization in Rural India

Implementing institution: Pratham e IPA

Country: India

Source: IPA


Sensitize the community to the importance of education for their children and their...


Three interventions aimed at restructuring Local Education Committees (VECs) and empowering their...

Teacher Community Assistant

Implementing institution: Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)

Country: Ghana

Source: IPA


Increase elementary school students' reading and math skills by complementing and improving the...


The innovation proposes 4 types of instruments: Reinforcement sessions in classes and others...

Thinking, Doing, Talking Science

Implementing institution: Science Oxford

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


To make science lessons in elementary schools more practical, creative and...


A teacher training program in innovative, practice-based and child-centred...