In collaboration with the Ministries of Education:

The objective of the teacher survey “Educational practices in the context of COVID-19” is to explore the pedagogical practices developed by teachers of primary and secondary schools in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why do we carry out this survey?

  • In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the educational systems of Latin America and the Caribbean have been significantly affected by the closure of schools and the massive shift from face-to-face education to distance education.
  • Although the educational systems have implemented emergency teaching initiatives, the prolonged closure of schools will have repercussions on learning.
  • It is essential to develop comparative data on how schools and teachers are facing this crisis and to share this knowledge internationally.
  • We want to hear the voices of teachers, know the immense range of strategies they have implemented, their responses to maintain a connection with students and principals, and the efforts made to carry out their tasks remotely and adjust teaching to this new context.

We want to hear your voice,
let’s make a difference together


The survey is anonymous and confidential, so your personal information will not be shared with any educational authority or with any agent outside the SUMMA team that is in charge of the study.

Research can only be possible thanks to the participation of actors like you. In order to fulfill our ethical commitment to you, we believe that we must offer you a consideration for your valuable time. We consider that it is essential that you access the results of the research, and we request your email to send it to you.

No, your participation is voluntary and you can interrupt it at any time. Furthermore, whether you decide to participate or not, there will be no harm to you or to the school where you teach.

Yes, you can answer the survey from your smartphone, tablet or computer. You will need to have internet connection to do so. If you decide to fill in the survey in different moments, we recommend that you close the survey and get back to the link once you are ready to continue filling it in. You will have to continue the survey in the same device in which you started it. The program will take you to the last answered question, regardless of how long you waited to get back to the survey, only if you always use the same device.

We recommend that you use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge to avoid any inconvenience.

The survey lasts 25 to 30 minutes. You can complete it in sections and return later to complete it, from the same device (Phone / tablet / computer) that you started it on, and your answers will be saved.

The survey addresses a series of basic questions about socio-demographic characteristics (age, sex, etc.) and the establishment in which you work, to then focus on how teaching has been during the COVID-19 pandemic. You will be consulted about your experience during 2020 and what type of teaching modality you are currently implementing (online, face-to-face or hybrid), as well as the main difficulties, challenges and needs you have. Likewise, you will be consulted about your social-emotional well-being and what you suggest to improve your situation.

Since the educational authorities of the various participating countries collaborate in the project, the results are expected to have a direct impact on the measures they will consider / take in the future.