Resultados >> Found 19 results

Teacher Incentives Based on Performance in Kenya

Implementing institution: Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS)

Country: Kenya

Source: IPA


Reduce elementary school dropout and increase school performance on national...


A bonus system for teachers based on the average results of students in the...

Improving reading skills in children in Kenya

Implementing institution: IPA

Country: Kenya

Source: IPA


Reduce dropout and improve students' reading, official and native language...


Training and assistance to teachers, complemented by small reading groups based on peer...

Community Mobilization in Rural India

Implementing institution: Pratham e IPA

Country: India

Source: IPA


Sensitize the community to the importance of education for their children and their...


Three interventions aimed at restructuring Local Education Committees (VECs) and empowering their...

Philosophy for Children

Implementing institution: Society for the Advancement of Philosophical Enquiry and Reflection in Education (SAPERE)

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


To help students think logically, express their opinions, construct an argument, listen to and...


A teacher training and consultancy program aimed at the organization and moderation of reflection...

Teacher Community Assistant

Implementing institution: Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)

Country: Ghana

Source: IPA


Increase elementary school students' reading and math skills by complementing and improving the...


The innovation proposes 4 types of instruments: Reinforcement sessions in classes and others...


Implementing institution: Rosendale Primary School

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


To improve children's metacognition, reflecting on how they learn to develop strategies to improve...


28 half-hour weekly sessions, during which students use an application (Evernote) to identify...

Reader Rescue

Implementing institution: Fundación AraucaníAprende

Country: Chile

Source: Fundación Telefónica


To make students progress in their reading skills, and to read about 90 words per...


Intensive tutoring of assistant teachers to small groups of reinforcement in...

Response to Intervention

Implementing institution: Achievement for All

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


To reduce existing gaps between students, with respect to their ability to learn to...


A program of small group reinforcement and individualized reading, focused on the specific...

Rhythm for Reading

Implementing institution: Rythm for reading

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


Improve children's ability to approach written and spoken words and phrases more...


Weekly 10-minute sessions that run for 10 weeks, during which students participate in rhythm-based...