Resultados >> Found 33 results

Rhythm for Reading

Implementing institution: Rythm for reading

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


Improve children's ability to approach written and spoken words and phrases more...


Weekly 10-minute sessions that run for 10 weeks, during which students participate in rhythm-based...

Speaking Rights

Implementing institution: Equitas

Country: Canada

Source: GEII Harvard


To promote respect for diversity, equality and human dignity in the youth...


Recreational activities that encourage peer collaboration and...

Switch-on Reading

Implementing institution: Nottinghamshire Local Authority

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


To achieve a functional reading for all students, closing the gaps in relation to the expected...


Individual reading reinforcement sessions given by a trained...

Talk For Literacy

Implementing institution: Greenford High School

Country: United Kingdom

Source: Education Endowment Foundation


To increase the narrative and communication skills of students with greater difficulties, improving...


Two programs that intervene in a complementary way on vocabulary and narration, under the modality...

War Child Afghanistan

Implementing institution: War Child Canada

Country: Afghanistan

Source: CEI


To increase the well-being and economic independence of Afghan women within their families and...


A literacy and technical training program for women, which is complemented by the initial education...

We Love Reading

Implementing institution: Taghyeer

Country: Jordan

Source: CEI


Increase the interest of 4 -10 year olds in reading and empower women within their...


A methodology that explains the steps to follow to create an own library and reading groups led by...