

SUMMA exhibits at CIES 2019 Conference: Education for Sustainability | San Francisco, USA .

Ismael Tabilo, researcher at SUMMA, spoke at the sixty-third meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society: Education for Sustainability, which took place in the city of San Francisco. SUMMA participated for the second time in this meeting, which had in inclusion and equity its two key focuses for reflection, concepts that are also part of the vision of SUMMA and its perspective of education as a right.

Tabilo’s presentation focused on the study on R&D+I Ecosystems in Education in Latin America, carried out by SUMMA in a network with eight countries in the region. This is a diagnosis of the current situation and educational policy proposals to foster the creation of a national institutional framework capable of promoting research, development and innovation in education.

CIES 2019

The CIES 2019 meeting is the meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society and will have as its central theme Education for Sustainability. According to the organization, this theme “calls on CIES to join in the reconsideration of human progress being made by academics, governments, corporations, international agencies and civil society and popular groups. This reconsideration is also reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the member states of the UN”, where education is one of its key pillars.

Based on the crucial role of education in the sustainable development of society, the meeting will encourage reflection on questions that in the last 50 years have challenged the type of development generated by literacy, training and formal schooling: What is the long-term cost of an education that promises -and sometimes delivers- productivity, industrialization, modernity and consumption? Who pays the price? What’s the real price? What are the consequences for the planet? These questions seek to open the debate, and with it, an invitation to contribute with ideas that enrich reflection.